Monday, January 30, 2012


SOMETIMES LIFE IS ANNOYING!  It's almost like... life wants to beat me in the head with a hammer.


Like right now.

This picture is NOT supposed to be upside-down, stupid
technological failures

  • Orly in Liquid Vinyl
  • OPI in De-Signer De Better (base color under the glitter)
  • Glitter = loose glitter I bought on EBAY!
Coming eventually:  I take off glitter nail polish with the smoothest of ease, because all you chicas who have put ze glitter on your nails know that you basically need a chisel to remove it.

You need a chisel to remove it unless you're smart like that Maddy Varno.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Junk Food Detox

When I am in charge of the world,
all meals will be french fries and
ice cream cones.
At one point last week, I planned to write a blog post about frosting lumps.


Not really, I just ate like an 8 year old who was in charge of the world would eat, and now I feel like my body wants vegetables.

So, I am officially launching my junk food detox. I am hoping this lasts longer than 20 minutes.  I did hit rock bottom yesterday though when I was having a pity party for myself and went to CVS to buy a box of Fun Dip valentines.

I ate 24 dip-a-sticks.  I don't even want the powder... I just wanted the dip-a-sticks! UGH It's like they're made of compressed crack, I couldn't stop!!

So now I'm just going to try toooo... I don't know.  Eat an avocado or something.  I'm gonna try to feel this one out.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Quinoa Says: It's cool, the frosting's with me!

sup, buns
My day yesterday was spent eating cinnamon buns, quinoa, and sesame chicken.  Quinoa is so healthy, it was probably ashamed to sit next to the several other trough-like dishes I spent my day hovering over.  But, with the distant hope of accomplishing a cardio kickboxing workout before the end of the day, I ate dutifully ate my quinoa as this fantastic grain is high in protein.

Waking up this morning, I reached for another cinnamon bun.  Making a cinnamon bun your breakfast is probably on the same plane as sitting on the floor and pouring a 1-lb bag of sugar on your face.  Look, for your visual enjoyment I have included a picture of the bun before I ate it.

Frosting bowl, part of a
complete breakfast
After I finished it, I had a sugar headache.  It's completely possible that the sugar headache has something to do with this:

If only I could eat some quinoa for breakfast and it could cover for the sugar and butter in the cinnamon bun, a concept that Mitch Hedberg once shared with the world.

"That would be cool if you could eat a good food with a bad food and the good food would cover for the bad food when it got to your stomach. Like, you could eat a carrot with an onion ring and they would travel down to your stomach, then they would get there, and the carrot would say, 'It's cool, he's with me'."

 Foreshadowing next blog post: Frosting lumps

PS: The bread mix I used to make the cinnamon buns, The Gluten-Free Pantry Favorite Sandwich Bread Mix

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Fun with Nail Paint

Liquid Vinyl from Orly
Trying to get back into writing blogs!  I've been posting pictures to Pinterest and Facebook, and I think there's probably a better way to post those online than throwing them in a facebook album. 

Lately I've been into nail polish a lot; I have ginormous nails so each time I paint them, it's like an art project.  I seem to paint my nails a lot on Sunday afternoons, mainly because it tends to be a time I'm home and sitting.  The last two nail projects have been black curtain tips, and crazy grey leopard print!

As another note, today as I was painting my nails, I was also eating GF cinnamon buns and sesame chicken.  I made both late last night because my boyfriend is about to start his 2nd semester at Cornell Law school, so I'm a little bummed about him being eaten by Cornellmonster again. Booooooo!

Random note to end on: Netflix really needs to get some sort of continuous play up in that bitch.


I'm really gonna try to post more....... honest.

I also might rename my blog the pizza, cookies, and manicure factory.

(Try to figure out whether I'm kidding or not on that one!)